Relentless Ricochet is a twist on the Bullet Hell genre, with a heavy restriction on player movement to increase the difficulty (you can only move forward towards your mouse position) and a focus on consequences:

  • All fired projectiles rebound off walls, including your own. The problem being, your weapon has merged with your arm and you can't stop firing it.
  • The loss of innocent life has a drain on your sanity, making things harder to see. Make sure you don't accidentally put-down the human scientists who were also captured by those pesky aliens.
  • You can only enter the doors their intended way; enter through and they will close behind you, unable to be opened from your new side.
  • Firing upon the green (unclothed) aliens causes them to split your projectile and send it right back in your direction, causing heavy damage.

You can try to speed run your way through the hail of alien bullets, or take them out one by one along your way.


  • You move forward with the W key, towards the direction of your mouse input.
  • You can hold 'E' to sacrifice 0.25 of your sanity (you start with 1.00) to gain back 10 health points (you start with 100)

Game (including art/assets) made by JoggleBrott

Sounds by John Leonard French (Ultimate Game Music Collection) and Imphenzia(Universal Sound FX)

This game was developed within a ten-day timeframe for Bullet Hell Jam 5.

Development log


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i think this is the first web-based submission i have played this jam where they actually made it run in the browser lol